Thursday, February 6, 2025

Shazam's Villains - Part 2

 I've written before about villains that were defeated by the wizard Shazam (see my article here).  I'm going to add to this list of villains in this article!  

In Captain Marvel Adventures #137 (August 1, 1952) we are told of seven deadly villains defeated by Shazam!

These villains were:

  • Pride
  • Envy
  • Greed
  • Hatred 
  • Selfishness
  • Laziness
  • Injustice

These seven villains were evil gods that Shazam had defeated centuries ago.  He defeated them and turned them to stone!  These seven deadly enemies of man were capable of destroying mankind had Shazam not defeated them!

The Mad Mummy,
Black Adam, and the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man are all villains defeated by the wizard Shazam long before he created Captain Marvel!

Saturday, February 18, 2023

You're on Mute!

 Many people started working from home and taking school courses from home during the pandemic.  As people used video to communicate more and more, there was one resounding phrase heard on just about every teleconference - "You're on mute!"  In the pages of Captain Marvel Adventures #130 (published January 4, 1952) we have a funny incident where Sivana put's Billy Batson on mute!

Billy's working in his office at WHIZ when a surprise visitor enters his office - Dr. Sivana!  It's funny to see Billy's reaction here.  First he says, "Oh, hello there Sivana!  How are you?"  And then reality strikes that Billy now has the world's maddest scientist in his office!

In short order, Sivana uses his latest diabolical invention to put Billy on mute so he cannot say the magic word, "Shazam!" and transform himself into the world's mightiest mortal.

I really like the next part where Billy takes action.  The comic says, "...though Billy has been robbed of his voice, he can never be robbed of courage and resourcefulness!"  Billy takes matters into his own hands and breaks Sivana's machine and is able to say, "Shazam!"

I won't go into the rest of the story as I hope to cover it at a later time.  But I really liked this little interaction between Billy and Sivana.  I like Billy's realization that it's Sivana in the room after he first greeted him warmly!  It also offers another insight into the fact that Billy has to say the magic word - not think it or hope it - he has to say, "Shazam!" in order to transform himself into Captain Marvel.  And finally, it's another glimpse into the heroic and resourceful Billy Batson who is just as brave and courageous as his alter ego!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

A Captain Marvel Sweater!?!?

I found this full-page ad in a Captain Marvel Adventures comic but forgot to note which issue.  But when I saw it, I thought how many kids got their parents to order them one?  I bet it was quite a few!  Back in the 1950s graphic t-shirts weren't all the rage they are today.  So having a sweater with Captain Marvel - and Captain Marvel lightning bolts - on it must have been a truly awesome thing!  Check out the ad below!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

80 Years of The World's Mightiest Mortal

80 years ago today - December 1, 1939 - Fawcett comics advised comic readers to "Gangway for Captain Marvel!"  For on the pages of Whiz Comics #2 the world was introduced to the World's Mightiest Mortal - Captain Marvel!  

Despite some silent years when he was out of publication, Captain Marvel has entertained fans and provided a role model to comic readers both young and old.  So on this 80th anniversary of his first appearance, let me say how appreciative I am of this sterling character and comic book icon.

Below is an awesome logo shared on my Facebook page by Anna Romao and she's allowed me to share it here on my blog!  Thank you Anna!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Captain Marvel and the Lieutenants of Safety

Captain Marvel and the Lieutenants of Safety Issue #2

I came across some Captain Marvel comics that I had never seen before and wanted to share that with you!  I haven't been able to find out everything about them, but here is what I know so far!

In 1950, there was a three comic series published entitled, "Captain Marvel and the Lieutenants of Safety."  They were published by Fawcett and was a promotional comic.  At the bottom of page 2 of the 2nd issue it says, "Developed and published by Ebasco Services Incorporated, Copyright 1950, Fawcett Publications, Inc. Printed in U.S.A"  One website I found credits the story to Otto Binder and the artwork to C. C. Beck.  (The artwork does look like Beck's!)  Ebasco Services was an electric company that was formed by General Electric so that is probably why the comics are focused on electric safety.  

The main characters of the comics are Captain Marvel, the Lieutenants of Safety, the Master of Evil, and Demon Danger.  The Lieutenants of Safety are Captain Caution, Speedy Ade, and Sir Safety.  The villain, Demon Danger, is ordered by the Master of Evil to entice kids into dangerous activities involving electric wires, etc.

I'm sure these comics were a hit among the kids reading them, and I am sure their safety message was well heeded - especially since it was given by Captain Marvel!  It makes me think of how popular and influential Cap was to make him a spokesman for safety in the pages of these special comics.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Captain Marvel Autographed Picture from His Comics

Here's an awesome Captain Marvel autographed picture that was featured in the pages of Captain Marvel Adventures #13 which first published on June 26, 1942.  I wonder how many kids carefully removed this picture and proudly hung it on their wall!!

I also like Cap's "Yours for old Shazam" right before his signature - if I remember correctly it's also how he would sign the fan club letters.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

DC Renews Copyrights on Fawcett Comics

I just learned that DC has renewed the copyright to the following Fawcett comics and have sent legal notice to various websites to have them removed as they are no longer considered in the public domain.  Here is the list of comics according to one of these websites:

  • Captain Marvel Adventures #s 3-6, 46-129, 131-141 and 143-150; 
  • Captain Marvel Jr. #s 29-34, 36-106, 108-117 and 119; 
  • Captain Marvel Story Book #s 1-2; 
  • Fawcetts Funny Animals #s. 31-79;
  • Hoppy the Marvel Bunny #s. 1-15;
  • The Marvel Family #s 1-3, 5-80, 82-89;
  • Mary Marvel Comics #s 1-28;
  • Master Comics #s 61-126, 128-132;
  • Whiz Comics #s 3-6, 64-98, 105-118, 130-153 and 155;
  • Wow Comics #s 36-69

While I am extremely disappointed, I cannot find fault with DC.  They are within their rights as copyright owners to take this action.  Unfortunately for me, it seriously hinders - if not makes impossible - my ability to keep up this fan site.  I really depended on the public domain issues and with the tremendous gap of available comics it will a daunting task to keep documenting the stories and adventures of Captain Marvel.  

I've not been able to keep on a steady schedule with my various Captain Marvel blogs, but will continue to try to update them from time to time as I can!  Again, I 100% respect DCs right to these comics!